Finding Joy

     For those of us directly affected by ALS, this is easier said than done. It is quite easy to be overcome with grief and despair.  There are not exactly any benefits to being told, “You are going to die and there is nothing we can do. ” Add to that, the toll of the disease and life can be rather dire. 

     Nevertheless, life does continue on.  So, we have to fill that space in time.  Knowing that, I choose to find as much joy in my days as I can muster up.  I assure you, some days it is hard.  Thankfully, the scale tends to tip towards the better times.  I am easy to please and easy to amuse. I guess that makes it easier for me to enjoy my life. 

     One of my favorite pastimes is going to the movies.  I think I would go crazy if I couldn’t catch a flick.  The best part of not working anymore is the free time.  And we are at the movies ALL THE TIME.  It is one thing that I can do that doesn’t take much planning.  We show up, drive my chair in and for 2 hours ALS is a distant thought. 

     Eating is another activity I really enjoy.  Given the fact that at some point in time I will likely not be able to eat by mouth, I savor the opportunities to revel in good grub.  Mention the magical letters, BBQ.  No more need be said! Count me in! Recently, my wife and I agreed that we would make it our goal to try every flavor of cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory. I make sure to savor every morsel I can.  I just can’t imagine not being able to enjoy a good meal.  For now, I will not take it for granted. 

     I make it a point to spend some time outside when the weather allows.  You can often find me in the yard.  I received a Tracked wheelchair and take advantage of being able to drive around on the acre of property we live on.  Going for a ride down the street is not uncommon.  I am usually wearing headphones.  Listening to music.  Music has always been an important part of my life.  Since I was a kid, I have always found an escape in music.  On really nice days, it is easy to just park the chair and take in the solitude. 

     There is so much to live for.  Even though the grim reality of a terminal illness.  Many of the joys I find in my life are simple and unremarkable. There is always time for anger, sadness and worry.  They rear their ugly heads aplenty. And that is perfectly ok.  But, at least in those moments of happiness, regardless of how brief , I get to feel normal again. 


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jaime Weida

    Gil! Thank you for being strong and of course thank you for sharing with us! You are awesome. Do you have any new movie suggestions and what cheesecakes have y’all tried so far?

    1. Gill

      We have tried about half of their selection. Some I can’t bring myself to try. We have mostly been watching the action movies that have come out.

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